I love Sundays...especially during football season. Sunday = lazy day in pajamas. And Cooking. I usually try to make a big dinner or breakfast on Sunday, today was no exception. Today the Dallas Cowboys are playing, I am canning Butter Beans and drinking wine in my pajamas, and making Pupusas for dinner. (yes, I will post these as they are quite amazing)
Butter Beans - Some people love them...some people hate them...some people have never heard of them. I happen to be one of the people that love them! I had a hard time finding anything about canning butter beans, so I made up my own recipe, just the way I like them.
3 Pounds Dried Butter Beans
Jelly Jar of homemade Chicken Stock - 2 Tablespoons per quart
1 teaspoon salt per quart
1/2 teaspoon pepper per quart
2 Tablespoons of "The Trinity" per quart
1 slice bacon per quart (raw)
"The Trinity" = onions, celery, and green bell peppers. This is my Trinity anyway.
I followed the general pressure canning guidelines for dried beans. I soaked them overnight, then boiled them for 30 minutes. Strained out liquid (but saved it). I then filled each quart jar up 3/4 full of just the beans. Added rest of ingredients on top, then filled with the bean juice from the pot and left about 1 inch of head space.
7 quarts of yumminess then went into the pressure canner at 15 pounds for an hour and 50 minutes. Dont forget I am at altitude. Follow canning guidelines for your altitude.
Now....on to make Pupusas!
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